Strategic Marketing

Strategic marketing insights for diagnosing what matters in New Zealand

Our clients go out every day, saving lives and keeping people healthy. We’re honoured to work with them!

Working with true innovators in health and medicine requires sophisticated ways for solving marketing problems. We thoroughly understand the digital challenges in the medical industry.

Total Medical Design develop new ways of looking at problems unique to the health sector. We assist businesses with the most vital job of all – saving people’s lives.

Strategic marketing and health marketing planning aren’t optional add-ons for us. We consider strategic marketing to be at the very heart of everything we do and create.

We look beyond obvious marketing tactics and perform data-led diagnostics. Driven by data, we generate creative and technical solutions. Then we provide our clients with exceptional results.

Reaching your audience on their terms

Total Medical Design can help to grow your health business on several key fronts. We develop a customised marketing strategy along with all of the tools to monitor your success.


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